This is The Camera Club

U petak, 19. listopada 2019. u 19.30 u Galeriji Vladimira Horvata, Trg žrtava fašizma, Zagreb, u organizaciji Zagrebačkog foto kino saveza - održat će se otvorenje izložbe engleskih fotografa koji će svojim radovima predstaviti jedan od najutjecajnijih fotografskih klubova u Velikoj Britaniji:  The Camera Club - London. Izložba nosi naslov This is The Camera Club, a ostaje otvorena do 29. listopada. Izložit će se ukupno 52 fotografije od 17 autora. Radove izlažu sljedeći autori: Kate Coe, Kevin Brich, Lena Osterberg, Michael Colman, Mitch Noakes, Nick Banner, Ray Rapkerg, Richard Ames, Robynne Limoges, Ted Cotter, Tim Stubbs, Tomasz Mazur, Chris Burrows , Dariusz Adamek, Don Cooper, Ian Greaves i James Collenette.

 © Michael Colman

Osnovan 1885. godine, The Camera Club je ujedno i jedan od najstarijih fotografskih klubova na svijetu među čijim članovima je bilo mnogo osoba važnih za povijest fotografije. Klub je često mijenjao sjedište, a 1990. godine je kupio sadašnji prostor u Bowden Streetu. Zanimljivo je navesti da se na tom mjestu nekada nalazila tvornica za izradu ukiseljenih krastavaca u kojoj je radio otac Charlie Chaplina, ikone filma. Obitelj Chaplin živjela je neposredno preko puta ovog prostora o čemu svjedoči i spomen-ploča. Prilikom preuređenja, kući je dodan i četvrti kat, nakon čega je Klub ponovo otvorio vrata za članove u siječnju 1991. godine.

 © Ian Greaves

Od svojih najranijih dana, Klub ostvaruje frekventnu izložbenu produkciju, za što koristi vlastitu galeriju „Gallery 1885“. Također često sudjeluje i u međunarodnim razmjenama preko kojih predstavlja svoje radove u drugim državama, a radove iz drugih država u Londonu. Tako je i ova izložba posljedica suradnje sa Zagrebačkim foto kino savezom.

© Ray Rapkerg

Ove je godine u Londonu već održana izložba voditelja fotografskih programa Zagrebačkog foto kino saveza, Damira Tiljka, a za sljedeću godinu planira se izložba polaznika našeg edukacijskog programa u Londonu.

Tajnik Zagrebačkog foto kino saveza, Jadranko Baturić dipl. ing.

© Tomasz Mazur

To the members and friends of Zagreb’s Photography and Cinema Association

Thank you for allowing us to exhibit a selection of work by the members of The Camera Club. 

There is no special theme. Dariusz Ademek, the manager of the gallery at our club, simply asked members of The Camera Club to submit some of their work for this exhibition. The results you will see on the walls around you.

© Richard Ames

Our Camera Club was founded in London in 1885 when J Harris Stone called together the most prominent photographers of that time, to create a group that aimed at being “A Social, Scientific and Artistic Centre for Amateur Photographers and others interested in Art and Science.” Our first home included nine darkrooms.

A few years later when photography was going through a rapid evolution and gaining popularity, under the president F.J. Mortimer, we moved to new premises where the club had excellent facilities including a billiard room, a library and a dining room! Despite slight bomb damage in the First World War, The Camera Club stayed there until further bombing in the Second World War in April 1941 caused extensive damage. We moved several times until in 1990 we purchased our present property.  We now have four darkrooms and two studios, as well as a digital suite and an exhibition gallery.

Many of the most influential figures in photography were members of The Camera Club, including:

The Royal photographer: Marcus Adams

Leading portrait photographer of 1920s and 30s celebrities: Bertram Park

His wife and equally renowned photographer to the elite, Yvonne Gregory

Famous pictorial photographer and founding member of The Linked Ring: Alfred Horsley Hinton

Technical innovator and boundary-pushing photographer: F J Mortimer

One of the most well-known photographers of fine artists: Jorge Lewinski

Even one of the most famous names in photography, Cecil Beaton, held an exhibition at The Camera Club gallery.

We have members from all over the world. If you would like more information, please visit our website:

If you are visiting London, please come to see us.

I hope you enjoy our prints

Kevin Birch

President, The Camera Club

October, 2019

© Dariusz Adamek

Foto Događanja

Objavljeno: 19.10.2019.